A Father’s Prayer


By Randy Moll

This child You trusted to my care.
This child I did in my arms bear.
To Baptism’s water this child I brought,
And faith in You Your Spirit wrought.

This child I told of Your dear Son
And what He by His death has done.
To this child I read Your Word,
And for this child my prayers were heard.

In Your house and on church pew,
I taught this child to worship You.
This child I guided in Your ways
That Yours this child might be always.

Oft I’ve sinned and failed to be
The kind of dad this child should see.
By Christ’s shed blood, You’ve cleansed my soul;
O keep this child from my sin’s toll!

This child You’ve given me on loan
Has gotten big and now is grown.
My hands, too frail this child to bear,
Can only fold and offer prayer
That this child of tender heart
Would ne’er from You or mercy part.

Watch o’er and keep this child of mine
that (s)he may be forever Thine.
To Thee, O Father, God above,
I entrust this child with all my love!
To Thee I bow, my knees do bend.
In Jesus’ name, I say, “Amen.”
