'From everlasting to everlasting, you are God'


Lord, you have been our dwelling-place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or before you had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God. Psalm 90:1-2  (Read Psalm 90)

I cannot fully grasp the fact that our God is eternal – without beginning and without end. He always has been and always will be. That is what the Lord God has revealed to us about Himself.

As it was revealed to Moses, so it is: “Lord, you have been our dwelling-place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or before you had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God.”

Through every generation of man’s existence, man’s life has been totally dependent upon the Lord God who is and was and always shall be and who made us and gave us life and breath!

Before He created the mountains or formed the earth and the world, the Lord God was and is God. Of course, this is not speaking only of the everlasting Father and the eternal Spirit, but of the Son. As prophesied by Micah the prophet, the One born in Bethlehem to be our Savior and King is “from of old, from everlasting” (5:2). It is as Jesus Himself said, “‘I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,’ says the Lord, ‘who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty’” (Rev. 1:8; cf. John 1:1ff.).

The truth that the Lord God is eternal can only be disheartening to those who refuse to repent of their evil ways and trust in Him for mercy and forgiveness, for this same God testifies of everlasting punishment for all who do not believe and take hold of the good news of forgiveness and life in the Son. It is hard to fathom condemnation and punishment unending! Cf. 2 Thess. 1:7ff.; Luke 16:19ff.; Mark 9:42ff.

On the other hand, the witness of Scripture to the eternal existence of God is nothing but comfort to those who believe. Not only do our daily lives in this world rest in the hands of an everlasting God who works all things for our good; through the blood of the Son shed for all upon the cross, our sins are forever washed away and forgiven and we have the blessing of life without end in God’s eternal kingdom! Cf. Psalm 103:11-12; Micah 7:18ff.; John 3:16,18; 6:40; 11:25-26; 14:1ff.

This too is beyond the grasp of my limited understanding. How can a dying man live forever? And yet, in Jesus Christ, every believer shall! Our sins have been washed away in Jesus’ blood; and, as Christ was raised up on the third day, so also we shall be raised up on the Last Day to live forever with Him in the mansions of heaven! In Jesus, sin and death has been overcome. In Him, we shall live forever without sin and without death. Praise be to our eternal God and Savior!

O Almighty and everlasting God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise You for giving us life through the innocent sufferings and death of the Son in our stead, on the cross, and we trust in You to raise us up as Christ was raised and give us life with You forever in Your eternal and glorious kingdom. Amen.

[Scripture is quoted from the Revised Common Version of the Bible.]
